Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Crime Myths and Facts Essay Example
Crime Myths and Facts Paper One problem that has been plaguing societies throughout history is crime. The following essay will provide discussion on the topic and contrast crime myths and Even contemporary society Is struggling to come to fair terms about effects of crime on society and Individuals, fair and effective law enforcement and Judiciary systems, educative corrections system and proactive and effective crime prevention. This assignment will focus on comparison and contrast between crime myths and crime facts, as an example using myths about crime and youth gangs and crime and mentally ill. Starting point for discussion is to examine the definitions of relevant terms. Crime and Justice: A Guide to Criminology defines crime in two ways, dictionary definition as 1. An act committed or an omission of duty, injurious to the public welfare, for which punishment is prescribed by law, imposed in a Judicial proceedings usually brought in the name of state 2. Serious violation of human law: steeped In crime 3. Any offence, esp. on of grave character 4. Serious wrongdoing; sin 5. Lolls a foolish or senseless act: a crime to work that or a legal definition as intentional violation of the criminal law committed thou excuse and penalized by 2006, p. 5) Media has played an important role in portrayal of crime and crime like activities in society. Ericson, Barrage and Chain (1987, p. 50) have noted that one of historic obligations of the media is to entertain. This obligation is directly related to the need to fulfill the demands of audiences, which in turn are used to increase markets and expand revenues from advertising. We will write a custom essay sample on Crime Myths and Facts specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Crime Myths and Facts specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Crime Myths and Facts specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Crime, deviance and control items have served these commercial needs of the news media. Rawlins (1998, p. 346) argued that In the less accessible areas of society, these media representations become an imperative and often only enter?f?Owe to reality of which few of the general public have immediate knowledge. Through sensationalist crime reporting in media, crime myths were embedded in main frame society (Rawlins 1998, p. 346). One of wide spread myths is the term As mentioned by Polk (1995, p. 0) media have popularized the idea of youth gang violence in Melbourne, one report quoting forensic specialist as being concerned that Victoria was towards becoming a state of warring She states that in Australia, stories appear in the press of attacks on the elderly by teenage offender. However, the empirical data paints quite deferent picture. In relation to youth gang activity the Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence (ABACI 1991 ) research confirmed the unjustifiable nature of media generalizations In relation to youth gangs. Furthermore, the most significant ABACI finding was that vast proportion AT crime committee Is AT opportunistic In nature, ratter tan mainly organized. A study conducted by Impair and Warren (1994, p. 43) went even further declaring that there is?C,-1?0 a distinct absence of internal structure and criminal purpose among most groups of male The most important empirical evidence in contrast to popular youth gang myth is the Standing Committee on Social Issues (1995) research which found no evidence of highly structured gang existence in Australia and indeed was disputing relevance of the term to Australian youth activity. Another myth in general community is relation between youth and violence. We can see from police arrest data for Victoria (Victoria Police 1993) for 1991-1992 year that there were some crimes where youth played a significant role. As we can see from Table 1, these tend to be property crimes, theft and vehicle theft. These findings re reinforced by ABACI (1991) findings which found that youth illegal activities revolved around anti-social behavior and low-level property crime. When it comes to crimes of violence, however, the picture is quite different where 21 per cent of robbery offenders, 11 per cent of minor assaults offenders, 12 per cent of rape offenders, 10 per cent of serious assaults offenders and Just 5 per cent of homicide offenders were Juvenile. The general conclusion that we can draw from these figures is that violent crime is most likely to involve persons aged 18 and over. Table 1 Percentage of Offenders Under the Age of 17 Proceeded Against by Offence, 1991-92, Victoria Offence Homicide Serious Assault Percentage Young Offenders Minor Assault Robbery Burglary Theft Motor Vehicle Theft Fraudulent Offences 5 10 11 21 29 28 4 Source: Victoria Police 1993. If we pose the question whether there is a growing tide of youth crime, again, contrary to popular opinion, answer is negative. Police arrest data from Victoria over the ten-year period from 1982 to 1992 clearly shows there is no increase in the proportion of offences made up of Juveniles. This has been present at least since the time of the ancient Greeks and across a wide range of cultures. In recent times, this belief has been influenced by he media and television programmed, which, it is estimated, link mental illness to violence between 62-86% of the time. High-profile killings by people with a serious mental illness are given wide coverage in the press, creating an impression that the general pubic is at danger from unsupervised violent mentally ill persons living in the community. Although homicide perpetrated by someone suffering from a serious mental illness is rare compared with the total number of people with mental illness living ordinary lives, such tragedies attract intense media and public scrutiny. Public once Is raises Day a construction AT mental Illness as dangerous In ten meal portrayals. However, whether it is true that the rate of homicide committed by people with serious mental illness is increasing, either in absolute terms or as a proportion of total homicide in the community, is unclear (Simpson, 2003). One of the most important research projects in this area has been conducted by Taylor and Gun (1999) in which they examined data on homicides committed in England and Wales between 1957-1995 and concluded that there was little fluctuation in numbers of people with a mental illness committing criminal homicide ever the 38 years studied, and a 3% annual decline in their contribution to the official statistics and that the general public were at lower risk from offenders with mental illness than from non-mentally ill offenders. In relation to people with in the community, they conclude that is no evidence that it is anything but assisting to claim that their living in the community is a dangerous experiment that should be (Taylor and Gun, 1999). When people generally think of crime, it is usually about offences such as murder, robbery or burglary. If they are asked to describe the criminal, many would provide ascription of untrustworthy, shifty demeanor, maybe uneducated or unemployed person. However, many theorists would argue that mainstream criminologists are wrong when they are mainly focusing on conventional street crime or youth offending. According to the Sutton and Haines (2006, up. 155-170), white-collar crimes are far more devastating than those normally associated with criminal violations. White-collar crimes are certainly punishable by law; however, they are generally regarded by the courts and by sections of the general public as much less reprehensible than crimes usually punished by the courts.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Foster School of Business - University of Washington
Foster School of Business - University of Washington The Michael G. Foster School of Business is part of the University of Washington, a Seattle-based university that hosts one of the most respected medical schools in the world. Foster School of Business is a public business school that is the second oldest institution of management education on the West Coast. It is well-known for being consistently ranking among the best undergraduate and graduate business schools in the world. The school, which includes a number of newly constructed facilities, is housed on the main University of Washington campus. Address: PACCAR Hall, Seattle, WA 98195Phone: 206-685-3400Website: Foster School of Business Academics What puts Foster above competing business schools is its world-class faculty and robust student experiences. Students can expect a quality business education and excellent preparation in areas like accounting, entrepreneurship, international business, and management. Traditional classroom studies are supplemented by structured student experiences like case competitions, consulting projects, international experiences, independent study, and internships. The career placement rate is also exceptional (nearly 100%), especially among MBA students. Foster School of Business Culture Foster School of Business prides itself on diversity, and this dedication to inclusiveness can be seen in the schools academic programs, student experiences, and relationships with area businesses and the community. Undergraduate Programs The undergraduate program at Foster School of Business awards a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration (BABA). Students take a combination of general education, non-business, and business courses throughout the 180-credit program. Formal areas of study include accounting, finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, information systems, and operations and supply chain management. Students can also customize their education by designing their own program. Undergraduate students can even earn certificates outside of the BABA program in areas like sales and international studies in business. MBA Programs Foster offers a range of MBA program options for students with every type of schedule and career goal: Full-time MBA - Two-year full-time programEvening MBA - Three-year part-time programExecutive MBA - 21-month program with two schedule optionsGlobal Executive MBA - 12-month full-time programTechnology Management MBA - 18-month work-compatible program Masters Programs For a student who would prefer a specialized masters to an MBA, Forster offers the following programs: Master of Professional Accounting - A three-quarter-long (September-June) professional program that prepares students to sit for the CPA exam Master of Science in Information Systems - A one-year masters program with a focus on the role of information technology and IT solutionsMaster of Supply Chain Management - A one year masters program with a focus on global sourcing of goods and local distribution and fulfillment Other Programs Foster School of Business also offers executive education programs and a Ph.D. Program in Business Administration with specializations in accounting, finance, information systems, management, marketing, operations management, and technology entrepreneurship. Graduate-level students who dont want to earn a degree can complete certificate courses in entrepreneurship and global business. Foster School of Business Admissions Paths to admission to Foster vary depending on the program you are applying to. Applications are competitive at every level of education (undergraduate and graduate), but competition is especially fierce for the MBA program, which has a small entering class size (just over 100 students). Entering MBA students at Foster have an average of 5 years of work experience and an average GPA of 3.35. Read more about Foster admission requirements and application deadlines.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The effects of poverty and pollution on economy Research Paper
The effects of poverty and pollution on economy - Research Paper Example Sometimes, it is even the electricity that is at a threat of becoming abandoned where affording the costs in an inefficiently constructed home in relationship to electricity usage. In the following paper, the theory of the Cost of Living Index, the nature of suburban life is evaluated. Overview McGirr (2012) has discovered that the poor largely are populating the suburbs as once lush and comfortable sub-divisions now sit in ruins with burnt out landscapes that are no longer manicured and groomed to meet a standard of presence in the ‘keeping up with the Joneses framework of suburban myth. McGirr (2012) writes that â€Å"Keeping up with the Joneses,†the midcentury caricature of suburban conformity, materialism and consumption has given way to a new suburban normal of making ends meet, with many formerly middle-class families in detached single-family homes struggling to pay mortgages and utility bills, and to repair aging cars†. The Joneses are no longer competing for the best products and consumer glut, but are competing for food, maintaining ownership of their homes at the barest level, and for being able to keep what they have rather than attain the next big thing. Poverty rates have not only climbed because of the current economic downturn. McGirr (2012) reports that in the previous eight years to 2008, poverty rates in suburbs had been climbing to 25% with 51 million households reporting incomes at less than 50% above the poverty line. This trend may be simply due to the larger numbers of people that have gravitated to the suburbs and with larger populations are showing larger percentages of poor. After the growth provided by Roosevelt’s New Deal, the number of people that moved to the suburbs was a result of an increase from 40% of the population owning homes in 1940 to 62% owning homes in 1960. The percentage of homes in the suburbs in 1910 was 7%, but by 1960 that had reached 23%. The development of the identity of the suburban ite is one of the stronger personalities that have dominated the American culture in the last sixty years. Modern suburbia is the cultural equivalent to a sense of the elite, the success of the American dream represented by home ownership, two cars in the driveway, and a lush yard surrounding a relatively upscale home. In 1962 as the development of the suburb had created a generation of suburban dwellers, â€Å"Michael Harrington argued in â€Å"The Other America†that poverty survived amid broad prosperity precisely because it was invisible to most Americans (McGirr, 2012). The suburbs not only provided a sense of the American dream, but it was a shield from all that was not working in the United Sates. Mc Girr (2012) goes on to quote Harrington as he developed his discussion. â€Å"Living out in the suburbs,†Harrington declared, in what now seems like quaint nostalgia, â€Å"it is easy to assume that ours is, indeed, an affluent society.† Americans, he suggested, no longer saw poverty just â€Å"on the other side of the tracks†in their towns and small cities, but as a distant problem of the inner city, glimpsed only fleetingly from commuter trains or highway traffic†(McGirr, 2012). McGirr (2012) writes that â€Å"The conceit that poverty is a problem suffered by other  often less deserving  people was an essential part of suburban self-identity that was reflected in its politicsâ€
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