Saturday, January 4, 2020
SEC 575 Week 6 Assignment Business Ethics Simulation Essay
WEEK 6 Business Ethics Simulation 1. What should CEO Werner say to the Division Chiefs? Is the decision ethical? Why or why not? I think from looking at and seeing the three choices, I would tell the Division Chiefs that: With what is going on a lot of companies are doing business with China right now. How do you be different and get around the problem? I dont think that this decision that was given is ethical because it is the senior officers of the company that are making the ethical decision that would greatly affect all of the subordinates in the company and the company itself, but having said this I believe that this would be the best decision. With more and more companies that are turning to China to do business†¦show more content†¦I do so because as I stated it was not my choice in these matters but I can help try to remedy them and along the way not become bribed or a pawn in their game. 3. What are the implications of payments being made by the subordinate? This shows she has knowledge of what is going on but it is not for me to implicate her. Even in the dealings showing that it is wrong here in our country it is ok there. She may have been bribed to do the dealings and it will be her that is held accountable for it. I do think though that having seen what I found I need to continue with pushing for a better resolution to help all parties involved in this. I do know that having someone lower on the totem pole will allow them to cover themselves if it is brought up in charges. 4. Epilogue: From your perspective, how does the simulation impact ethical considerations for organizations? The ethical considerations for any company are highly valuable and by far the important aspect of any company or organization. The decisions that any CEO or manger would make will have a lasting and heavy impact on everyone that belongs to the organization. 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